Author Archives: Betty

Other ways to get help if you are being bullied

Don’t feel comfortable going to the Student Wellbeing Centre to get help or just not quite ready to take that step but you are ready for the support you deserve?

We’ve got a list of other ways for you to reach out:

Bullying UK are a registered UK charity with both a phone line and and online chat facility  providing anonymous support for problems big and small.

Samaritans a non religious charity offering 24/7 help and support for if you feel depressed or suicidal.

This is an online safe space for you to talk about your problems, no matter they may be, without being judged. It also runs a blog with helpful advice on coping strategies.

Time-to-change is a really helpful website with information and advice for when you’re ready to take the first step to recovering from bullying.

If social media has got you down, it’s okay, treat yourself to a nice of cup of tea and remember that it’s okay to just unplug for a while.

Don’t forget that you are wonderful